Monday, October 22, 2007

Seeking Trainer workouts...

Anything to make a month of trainer riding palatable....
I think I need to look back at those Movie lists people were posting a month or 2 ago! The trainer/bike now has become a permanent fixture in my TV much for redecorating! The bikes just can't seem to stay out of the living space...


dblrider said...

Doc - Ya gotta try a spin class. If you can find a good instructor or one who won't MAKE you do their workout (like when you need a recovery workout), the vibe and camaraderie are fantastic. Back-to-back classes will keep you at race fitness - you'll come back and be kicking butt and nobody will believe you were down for two months. I've been mixing spin classes with road training (more spin when it's dark, cold and rainy outside) and it's been very successful. Plus, there are hot chicks in spandex (oh, and a few guys too, can't say I notice if they're hot, sorry). ;-)

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I saw the perfect solution for you at Bob's. A bike you don't need 2 arms for. Granted, it's a big tricycle with a basket on the back, but at least you could get out there!