Sunday, December 9, 2007

more weight-y thoughts.

how skinny do you have to be to be a cyclist?
I was at a party last night where we were eating desserts and talking about weight loss..
Someone said to me,"5 pounds would make a big difference in your racing next's the time to start making that happen".
I almost said "gaining 5, or losing 5?" because I discovered on Friday that i had gained 2-3 pounds since my weight training kicked into high gear...and of course I hope that training will eventually make a difference in my racing.

I bought a pumpkin scone at the Starbucks this morning when I was out with the red dog. I brought it home, took one bite, and then couldn't eat it. All I was thinking about was that stupid comment about weight loss, and how bad it was of me to eat something with little to no nutritional value and lots of calories.

I went out for my bike ride, which happened to be 'sunday worlds.' I didn't eat enough this morning, just sucking down a banana on my way out the door. I put trader joe's pop tarts in my jersey pocket.

I rode for 3 hours. I didn't eat the pop tarts. I ate one goo. I felt ill. I thought about being skinnier from burning many thousands of calories yesterday (did a really really long training ride), and then I thought about how stupid it was to not eat enough before going on a hard ride today.

And then I ate the scone.
And it was good.


jen said...

I'm glad you ate the scone. I always hate to see food go to waste like that :-)

Whoever gave you that advice is perhaps trying to be helpful, but really should have spared him/herself the trouble. Getting stronger will serve you better than getting lighter. If you do the work of training - sh-t, you rode Santa Paula, that's awesome! - your body will settle into a sustainable balance. Of course, eat smart. But certainly, don't waste time obsessing about it. You're far better off focusing on the training and letting the weight take care of itself.

You've been riding, what, a year? You've only just scratched the surface of what you can do. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Kim...I saw you at the party last night and I must say you looked like a lean, mean (in a good way), cycling machine. This whole concept of weight loss, calorie counting, and obsession with weight just does not add up to me. One should eat when hungry, sleep when tired, and treat yourself to a good glass of wine and fine chocolates on ocassion. Having one's mindset in the right place is much more important than an extra pound or two. Now, if we could just keep you from falling off your bike !!!

Itinerant Rick said...

I am in the camp of feel good, eat what you want, and love what you are doing. I am trying to drop a few pounds, mostly because my weight had crept up a bit. But I am not obsessing, rarely step on a scale, just do a bit more portion control. Not sure what I have lost, but judging from the fit of my pants it is enough to shave somewhere between 1-2" off the waist this fall. And I still enjoy the pumpkin scones. Don't let the comment be more than party talk; do what feels good for you, and most of all enjoy life.

dblrider said...

Doc - Your post describes my current debate to the letter (though my problem yesterday was 3 pumpkin muffins, not scones). Of course, as soon as I start increasing mileage, the weight will fall off too rapidly - it's hard to replace 5,000 calories overnight...and I usually do back-to-back centuries on my weekends. Last year, I burned some 30,000 calories with training one week (riding 6 days). Over the summer, even though my weight crept up about 6 lbs (from 172 to 178), I was still getting faster, so obviously that was muscle. Going by clothing fit, the belt loop hasn't changed in the past 380 or so days...

On another note, some friends and I are planning to head down your way in mid-Feb (hmm...right about the time a bunch 'o pros will be in town) and was wondering if you can send me links to some good local rides that are in the 40 to 80 mile range (3-5 hours or so). I've ridden the Solvang Double Century, so I know some of the roads, but I'm sure you know some really good ones for riding.

My e-mail is dblrider at comcast dot net.

Thanks a million in advance!


pedro said...

eating is ok, and that is often why we ride at all. losing 10 pounds may help you climb a bit better, but doing 3 hours on a gu will make you sick and weak. 5 pounds, eh, we fluctuate that much in 24 hours anyway.

what am I saying? cyclists are amazingly nutty about weight and "being fat"

better to be "fat" and happy than thin and uptight.

your 190 pounder!

Marco Fanelli said...

Kim- Just ride a lot and eat whatever you want long as it includes enough healthy foods! 'tis far better to be happy and content than it is to feel like you're denying yourself well-earned treats just to shed that final 2.7 lbs or whatever. You can do the physics--see what a trivial difference it makes on an up-hill effort. You'll easily make that up, and more, with better state-of-mind.

dr-nitro said...

Ride, eat, and be merry. It's the holidays after all.

Auffderbach said...

Absolutely ditto to what everyone else is posting!
Ride, eat, drink and be merry.
If shedding those unnecessary pounds doesn't come to a lighter frame!