Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On New Perspective

Hi all,

Ok...so on second ( or third or fourth) thought, my blog post of yesterday was pretty darn discouraging. Not so much fun to read about someone whining about how they aren't getting any faster....

I went on a group ride this morning, and aside from the bad (feeling intensity when you haven't done it for awhile, and even worse, getting pulled over by the CHP for running a stop sign...), it was good for me. It was good to see my friends, and good to get back in the swing of things and even better to get some attitude adjustment from folks (you know who you are :-)). One of the downsides of riding alone or in small groups with folks faster than you, is that it is really easy to get discouraged. Whether or not I actually AM getting faster (debatable uphill..), I will always feel slow compared to some folks who are more suited to it, and in many cases, training more than I have time for. It is good to be reminded that we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that I shouldn't be so quick to give up when it doesn't look like things are going my way. :-)

Thanks, guys! It was good to see everyone this morning, and good to feel the draft again, and get the adrenaline going a bit. The world seems a bit sunnier (even though it was foggy today...)

I also feel lucky that I didn't get a ticket, although of course I was as guilty as the next person. Watch out, cyclists! It doesn't take that much effort to stop at a stop sign or 2 or 10, and may pay off in the long run.

See ya out on the road. Ride fast, have fun, and be safe.


chatterbox said...

I think it's the time of year for attitude adjustments.

Anyway, have you thought of specializing in TT? It's a big power discipline, but also safe-ish.

Drea said...

Hey Kim,
It is totally normal to almost hate what you love every once in a while. I know life is not fair. Athletics is not fair. Hey, I got a fracture in my leg because I love to run. Cardiovascularly I am very fit, and I worked really hard on it. But yes, I am a gifted climber, I always have been. There is something about the rhythm of a climb that my body just gets. Remember you dusted my rear in every Goleta TT in 2008! Climbing is only one part of cycling!
I am glad you have things going on in your life that takes your attention/fitness away from the bike. Your body will remember that fitness when you want to come back. You are a great rider! You also know how to race. You can be gifted all over and still lose a bike race :)


Kimberly (aka. DrKim) said...

Chatterbox...I wish I could specialize in the TT...as when I do put effort into it it goes well. There is just something about suffering for 40K that is pretty darn mentally hard for me. And unless I am passing people, the adrenaline rush that I need to stay focused, well, it isn't there! One of my best TT efforts last year was at Madera, where i passed 6 or 7 people. Coincidence? I think not :-). But maybe I'll give it another shot. I always do the local TT series...but that is just 10 miles...somehow less painful to suffer for 25 minutes instead of an hour! :-) I do like the way the TT bikes look...

And Drea, thanks for the perspective. I appreciate it. You're awesome. I hope we do get to ride together soon! And I hope your leg gets better quickly. Rest is just as hard or harder than training....I know that from my crash recoveries...

skippy said...

Followed through from "Fatty", wish there was more about "Sorrento" as i have been there several times and including racing through in front of the "Giro"! Wish i had the time to have gone out again on the water!

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