Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mothballs 09! Photo documentation

Sometimes, Photos speak louder than words. Plus, they're more fun. So here is the photo journalism version of my race report. Photos by Carson Blume (www.carsonblume.com).

At the start...I wasn't even there yet! (yeah, smart move...start from the back)

Early in the race...still feeling good, and working the front. See Jane on my wheel and Heather in the background.

Bridging to the break. Heather on my wheel.

Killin' it in the break. Serious suffering! (and tons of fun, too!)


chatterbox said...

Sweet! I can really see your suffer-face in that last one. Good job!

Chris said...

Great pictures!

Groover said...

That's a great idea, this picture race report. You look like you were hurting but tere is more pain on other girl's faces.

Shelley Verses said...


You are a hammer! "X" has put a whole new power-base in those legs! Watch out is all I can say to whoever you race against, because I know how fast you're recovering.......don't I????!!!!

Good on you so early in the season! Shelley vs.