Thursday, November 20, 2008


It is always fun when you finally figure out something new. In my case, it was during my last cyclocross race when I finally learned how to 'leap' back on the bike after barriers. And even better when someone captures the event on camera!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

"stop sucking, already!!"

is the motto of the day. you had to be there.

So this fall, I have decided to take up 'cross. Motivated by some friends who were always talking about how much fun it was, my desire to improve my bike handling skills, my desire to not get lazy/fat in the off-season, well, and just curiousity caused me to try cyclocross this year. I was a little late getting started...I just started practicing 2.5 weeks ago, but now it is all systems go! My first race was last weekend, but I had a busy week, and didn't quite ever get around to writing a race report. So today I have 2 race reports! I'll try to keep them short.

SpookyCross (Irvine): This was my first-ever 'cross race. The course was pretty easy as far as cross courses go, which was good for my first race. I took the line with a LOT of other women...Dot said it was the biggest women's so-cal cross race ever! I took off fast at the start, and got a good position, and then just rode hard. I slid out in one turn, and fell over another time when a guy crashed right in front of me leaving me nowhere to go. Nothing like a little dirt to make things fun. I ended up in 3rd place! It was really fun. My new training buddy and friend, KimL, got 8th (it was her first race, too). Very fun all around. There were 5 or 6 santa barbara 'crossers there and it was so nice to have people cheering and encouraging. And I've never gotten a beer on a road podium. Sweet!

ConvertCross (Ventura--Lake Casitas): This race seemeed like it was at home, since I pass by Lake Casitas on bike rides on a regular basis. Let me just say that the local effort was outstanding, and it was great to see people just coming out to cheer us on! Awesome. So I raced the 3/4's again. There was again a strong field. I didn't have a good start position, but on the first straightaway I used my road skills and powered around most of the field into a good spot in 3rd. I sat there for awhile, and even made it up to 2nd for awhile before dropping my chain. Not only did I drop my chain, but it got all tangled in my derailleur and was a big old mess. I did catch up again, and the girl in 2nd and I battled it out for most of the race. My turning still needs some serious work...but I feel good about the barriers and runups. I also was thrilled that I was able to bunny-hop a little log... ( I just learned how to do this a couple days it was awesome to do it right in a race, more than once!) Afterwards, I was so tired I had to just sit on the ground for awhile so as not to pass out. Another 3rd place! Yippeeeeeee.

Up and over

Battling it out

My cheering section was, well, in a league of their own! Marian gets the award, though :-).

Ciao!! (photos were taken by RTinney)