Roclyn Natalie Attired

Since Linc died, Aidan has been lonely. He was pretty much never an 'only dog.' He always had Linc around. Over the past couple months, Aidan has been less energetic, more mopey, less interactive. I finally realized that he must be lonely. Thanks to a really great friend, who also happens to be an Irish setter breeder, Natalie came to live with us on Friday! Natalie is a 2 year old irish setter (who also happens to be Aidan's neice). She is beautiful and sweet, and has the silliest personality. She walked right into my house Friday like she owned the place, and has never looked back! She stole all of Aidan's toys, she chews his bones, and she tells him when and where he can go, and you know what? He loves it! He is more active than he's been in weeks! And he smiled more than a few times this weekend, which is something he hasn't done in awhile.
And as an added bonus...I have a show dog in the house again! And her personality is contagious! She is so darn much fun!